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Quitting Smoking



Drugs for quitting smoking

Understanding withdrawal symptoms

Nicotine is the substance that causes addiction. Once a smoker refrains from smoking, he/she may therefore experience short-term discomfort when the nicotine inside his/her body starts to metabolise out of the body. These symptoms are called "withdrawal symptoms". Common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Dizziness, headache
  • Tiredness, poor concentration
  • Dry mouth and throat, cough
  • Hunger, increased appetite, etc.

The level of withdrawal symptoms experienced by quitters vary from person to person. Some people may even experience no symptoms at all. These symptoms usually reach a peak of intensity in the first week after smoking cessation and then gradually decline in 2-3 weeks.

It is important that quitters should uphold their determination as well as perseverance during this period. They should also lead a healthy lifestyle (e.g. adequate sleep, regular exercises and a balanced diet), or medications for quitting smoking when necessary. 

Drugs for quitting smoking

Studies show that medications for quitting smoking help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and hence increase the success rate effectively. The commonest medication for smoking cessation can be broadly divided into two categories: those of nicotine replacement therapy and non-nicotine medication.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is an effective and safe aid for smoking cessation. It is available in different types and formulae.

Commonly used NRT include nicotine gum, nicotine patch, nicotine inhaler and nicotine lozenge.

Points to note:

  • Notwithstanding the effectiveness of NRT, smokers must keep their determination and perseverance for quitting successfully.
  • Acidic beverages such as soft drink, coffee and fruit juice will affect the absorption of nicotine. Apart from water, do not eat or drink when using nicotine gum, inhaler and lozenge or 15 minutes before use.
  • Patients with severe angina, serious cardiac arrhythmias or individuals suffering from acute myocardial event in the recent two weeks should consult their doctors before using NRT.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should be encouraged to quit with counselling first.  A doctor should be consulted before considering to use NRT.

[Nicotine Gum]Nicotine Gum

Chewing nicotine gum is different from chewing ordinary gum. The nicotine gum should be chewed slowly until a strong taste released and then park it intermittently between the cheeks for absorption. When the taste gradually becomes lighter, repeat the process until the gum becomes tasteless. Incorrect chewing may not only affect the absorption of nicotine but also cause side effects such as sore mouth and throat, hiccups and stomachache.

Nicotine gum is available in different dosages.  Healthcare professionals or pharmacists should be consulted for the appropriate dosage and regimen. Users should also read the drug information leaflet carefully before use.

[Nicotine Patch]Nicotine Patch

When using the patch, apply one patch per day to clean and dry skin on the chest, back, upper arms, hips, etc. Keep it at all times including swimming and showering. Change the location daily to avoid skin irritation.

Nicotine patch is available in different dosages.  Healthcare professionals or pharmacists should be consulted for the appropriate dosage and regimen. Users should also read the drug information leaflet carefully before use.

[Nicotine Inhaler]Nicotine Inhaler

A nicotine inhaler consists of a plastic suction tube and a nicotine-containing cartridge. To use nicotine inhaler, insert the cartridge into the suction tube to break the seal. The inhaler delivers nicotine to oral mucosa.  There are two methods for using nicotine inhaler: rapid shallow sucking or slow and deep inhalation. The effects of both methods are more or less the same.  At the beginning, user may experience mouth and throat irritation. Adequate water intake can relieve the discomfort.  The side effects would subside as the body get used to it.

Quitters should consult their doctors for using nicotine inhaler and follow their prescription and instruction of use.  Users should also read the drug information leaflet carefully before use.

[Nicotine Lozenge]Nicotine Lozenge

When taking the lozenge, it should be placed in the mouth and moved at intervals from one side of the mouth to the other, until it dissolves. The lozenge should not be chewed or swallowed whole.

Nicotine lozenge is available in different dosages.  Healthcare professionals or pharmacists should be consulted for the appropriate dosage and regimen. Users should also read the drug information leaflet carefully before use.

Non-nicotine Medication


Varenicline is a drug for smoking cessation that contains no nicotine.  It works at the same receptor in the brain as nicotine to help relieve the craving and withdrawal symptoms while at the same time blocking the reinforcing effects of nicotine.

Quitters should consult their doctors for using varenicline and follow their prescription and instruction of use.  Users should also read the drug information leaflet carefully before use.

Points to note:

  • Varenicline is not recommended for use in patients with end stage renal diseases, children under 18 years old and pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Common side effects include nausea, sleep disturbance, constipation, flatulence, vomiting and headache.

Effectiveness of medications

Numerous scientific studies showed that medications for quitting smoking, including NRT, help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and hence increase the success rate effectively. The World Health Organization stated that these medications can double or triple the likelihood of successfully quitting. Smokers are advised to consult doctors or pharmacists before using these medications.

These medications help to manage the cravings while becoming a non-smoker, rather than being a single solution to quitting successfully. Notwithstanding the effectiveness of medications, smokers must keep their determination and perseverance for quitting successfully.

If you really failed to quit, you should never give up trying to quit smoking. Remember, the more quit attempts you make, the more likely you will succeed.

If you need any assistance or information on smoking cessation, please contact us at 1833 183.



Last Revision Date : 21 April 2016