World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Smoking Cessation and Treatment of Tobacco Dependence

Best Practices of Smoking Cessation in the Western Pacific Region


1. Country / Region


Programme background

2. Name of Programme / Service

Smoking Cessation Clinic

3. What was/ were the objective(s) of the programme / service (e.g. triggering quit attempt, promoting new activity, provision of cessation services)?

Provision of cessation services

4. What was the duration / time period of the programme / service?

Start from 24 Nov 2006 until now 2022.

5. What was the target population?

Any Macao smoking citizens if they have wills to give up smoking

Programme details

6. Please briefly describe the activity(-ies) carried out under the programme / service (e.g. provision of smoking cessation services, campaign to promote/enhance cessation services provision).

1. Assessment for nicotine dependence level and carbon monoxide level; body weight, blood pressure etc.
2. Counseling - behavior intervention
3. Nicotine Replacement Therapy
4. Smoking Cessation Hotline

7. What were the factors that contributed to the programme / service establishment?

1. There are many smokers tried to quit smoking but failed.
2. The clinic was set up in health center can be convenient for citizens.
3. The support of Health Bureau.

8. Did the programme / service involve other organisation(s) (e.g. non-governmental organisation, professional association, academia)? What were their roles?

1. Law of Tobacco Prevention and Control in Macao - smoking is prohibited in indoor places; tobacco advertising is prohibited; tobacco package labelling and sales restriction via vending machines and internet or educational facilities etc., all can reinforce the wills of people for smoking cessation.

2. Tobacco Prevention and Control Office - provide tobacco control information and law enforcement. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of Mop $ 1500. The enforcement of law can be a reason of smoking cessation.

3. Publicity and promotion from Macao Health Bureau and Tobacco Prevention and Control Office provide education for hazards of smoke and provide information about the smoking cessation clinic.

9. Please briefly describe the resource implications for this programme / service:

i. How was / were necessary funding and / or manpower secured?
  Funding, physicians, nurses from Health Bureau.
ii. Please briefly describe any use of information technology to implement or facilitate the programme / service
  Information from newspaper, internet, video in television station and health center, pamphlets.
iii. Any other special resource required to implement the programme / service?
  Cooperation with pharmacist for NRT, carbon monoxide monitoring machine.

10. COVID-19

i. Please briefly describe any difficulties encountered during the programme / service implementation amid COVID-19.
  1. Routine clinic was stopped during COVID 19 epidemic for period.
2. Carbon monoxide monitoring machine was not encouraged during the epidemic.
ii. How did you overcome them?
  1. Resume the clinic as soon as possible, use massage or phone contact with people who had been following up.
2. Stop the carbon monoxide monitoring.

Programme evaluation

11. Was there any evaluation of the programme / service (e.g. quantitative survey, qualitative interview, etc.) conducted?

The rate of follow up, success to quit and failure to quit was measured regularly.

12. What was the impact of the programme / services (e.g. number of smokers who quit)?

There were 38-50% of smokers who quit successfully according to records.

13. How would the evaluation results be used (e.g. improving policy / programmes)?

Further evaluation based on the reasons for failure to quit: 73% was not enough determination, 15.3% was psychological reason such as nervous, bad mood, life stress. 7.6% was influenced by friend and 4.1% would like for refreshing. That results supported us to promote the counselor’s counseling skills, especially in psychological field.